Friday, February 20, 2009

Fake Job Postings

I read "It Isn't Always a Job behind an Online Job Posting" from the WSJ at

The article is about how some online job postings have turned out to be an advertisement for career-marketing service or even worse a scheme to steal identities. The recruiting agencies such as CareerBuilder attempt to sift through the job postings and verify that a job really exists. Sometimes they don't find all of them so be careful when using these sites and look for postings with more specifics and beware of those who ask for personal information such as social security numbers and bank accounts.

This makes me nervous because I have created an account on Monster. I have received several emails soliciting jobs to me because they think I would be a good fit. Most of them have been financial companies and I have emailed them to respectfully decline but I did receive and email from what I believe was a career marketing service and when I emailed them back to decline they sent me a pushy email attempting to get me to fill out my personal information for their database. This made me very weary of keeping my information on Monster but if I receive many more solicitation emails I may reconsider keeping my information available.

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